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example [2022/01/01 14:49] – created sparkexample [Unbekanntes Datum] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung (Unbekanntes Datum)
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 +====== Example ======
 +I want to introduce how a CDI can be developed. The following CDI was developed in 2016. But it's just a BETA-Version and has never reached a final status. So please read and enjoy. It is not recommended for recreation.
 +Its project name was VSCDI3.
 +{{ :1006-1-cdi-smallpcb-top.jpg?600 |}}
 +{{ :1007-1-cdi-smallpcb-bot.jpg?600 |}}
 +===== motivation =====
 +The VSCDI3 was created to work with Vape A70-3 and A70-5. It should have an easy structure with not to much components. The adjustment timing should be soft to work with nearly every engine with a moderate rev level.
 +===== circuit diagram =====
 +The basic design is close to the [[st_reference|ST reference]] design, but with an added negative wave handling and a modified signal shaping.
 +{{ ::1101-vscdi3-kicad.png?600 |}}
 +==== Negative wave handling ====
 +The branch with R1, R2 and D4 is limiting the negative waves. A first Version had R1 = 10 k (and R2 empty), but this created to much heat dissipation and the SCR get out.
 +The following values were obtained after measurement: 
 +  * U_Peak = 800 V
 +  * I_Peak = 0,08 A
 +A current of 0,08 A does not sounds much. But the Heat power loss is be calculated with:
 +  P = I² x R = (0,08 A)² x 10 000 Ω = 64 W
 +And 64 W are a huge heat load! So next time do the math and the measurement first. After a few more test R1 and R2 was dimensioned to 560 W each.
 +==== Signal shaping ====
 +Again a branch with D6 and R3 is handling the negative signal waves.
 +The positive signal waves are shaped with "the rest" between H5/white and the SCR gate.
 +With vary C1 and C2 the signal timing can be customized.
 +==== Capazitor ====
 +A standard size of the Capazitor C3 is 1 uF. But to get more energy at low revs it was contemplated to use 1,5 uF. By the way this are just thoretical approaches, no driving test have been made.
 +==== SMD elements ====
 +This elements were used for the SMD version with the pictures above.
 +|R1|560|3 W|
 +|R2|560|2 W|
 +|R4|4,7 k|-|
 +|Q1|STM TS820|-|
 +|C1|4,7 uF|Elko|
 +|C2|10 uF|Elko|
 +|C3|1 / 1,5 uF|-|
 +|C4|10 nF|-|
 +Note: The SCR ON CR708AG does not work with this scheme.
 +For a THT version the should be used UF4007 for the diodes and a TIC106M for the SCR